
Suggestions from the Disabled for Budget 2019
SUGGESTIONS FROM THE DISABLED FOR BUDGET 2019 The Finance Ministry has asked for budget suggestions from all people for the forthcoming Budget 2019 to be tabled by Smt. Nirmala Sitaraman in the Lok-Sabha on July 5, 2019. We appreciate the Government’s initiative for collecting ideas and suggestions from the people […]

Reservation for the Disabled in Election
Attention to Disabled Voters Before discussing how reservation for the disabled is going to work, we have to admit that disabled voters received some attention from the Election Commission of India during recent elections. We have noticed that in this particular election the ECI tried to encourage disabled voters to […]

Disabled Voters and the Election
How are the disabled voters doing during the election to the House of the People? What are they thinking of the election? We are already into the fifth phase of the seven-phased marathon process of election and more than half the race is run. When we are reading the party […]

Blindness in English Literature
If literature is the reflection of our perception of life, a general study of blindness represented in English literary texts exposes the prejudiced view regarding blindness of the society. Some related blindness to some kind of illicit sexual union, to some it is a tragic reversal of fortune. Some celebrated […]

How to Read and Write in Braille
You can learn Braille in just ten minutes from our Braille chart. It is quite easy and logical. What you need is to follow a pattern. The rest is simple and it depends on practice. Braille is the name of the system of tactile reading and writing used by the […]

A Tribute to Charu Chandra Bose, a Physically Challenged Martyr of India’s Freedom Movement
Very few of us have heard of Charu Chandra Bose who, despite his defective right hand, used it to his advantage and contributed his share to the revolutionary movement for the independence of India. Little information is available on the personal life of Charu Chandra Bose. He was born at […]

Unified English Braille, an Assessment
Recently some changes have been made in English Braille. The new code has been named Unified English Braille, or UEB in short. The nomenclature is obviously significant. So far we have read different styles in Braille writing in British and American books. Now it seems that the two major English-speaking […]

How Tactile Writing Began
Here is an atempt to trace the beginnings of tactile reading and writing for the blind culminating in the genesis of Braille system. This is not an exhaustive study. The purpose of this article is to evaluate the contribution of Monsieur Louis Braille in bringing the light of knowledge to […]

A Tribute to Louis Braille
On this bicentennial birth anniversary year of Monsieur Louis Braille, Blind Persons’ Association offers its deepest homage and highest tribute to the sacred memory of this great scientist and deliverer of the blind. By his epoch-making invention of the raised dot system of tactile reading and writing for the sightless […]

Chronological Sketches
History of Education of the Sightless 1254 King Louis IX of France founded Quinze-Vingts, the first-ever formal institution for sightless people, providing 300 French knights whose eyes were put out as a punishment by the Saracens during the crusade 1745 Valentin Hany, the founder of the first blind school, was […]